Thursday, April 8, 2021

blog stuff

So, here we are. Me yet again trying my hand at blogging. This time I paid 5.99 for the premium version of this app, maybe that’ll give me incentive to actually use it.

Since I deleted Facebook from my phone last week I’ve had a lot of thoughts floating around in my head. Sometimes talking to the cat helps but sometimes I need to actually type my thoughts out and put them somewhere where people might actually see them.

So, what have I been up to in this Facebook free week? Mostly the same as usual; binge watching true crime videos on Youtube (ThatChapter is my latest obsession), spoiling Sora, and working on my newest craft project. I’ve been playing a lot of Skyrim lately, and after my epic fairy garden town turned out so well I decided I wanted to do a Skyrim themed craft. Immediately I knew I wanted to make a Word Wall, and I even found a pretty good tutorial video on youtube from a girl who made one. But I knew I wanted to do something a bit extra. From Etsy I ordered a string of blue LED lights and a sound recorder. It’ll be a few more days before everything gets here and I can put it all together, just gives me more time to play Skyrim. 

Took this picture while playing Skyrim just as reference to work from.

I didn’t think to take a picture during the beginning of the process. The base for each piece is made of folded tinfoil covered with masking tape. Once I had the base, I mixed mod podge with water and used paper towels as sort of paper mache to bulk it out and add some texture. I got this far and painted everything, then ended up adding more foil and paper mache to the bach and sides to make it look more like rock. 

I made this creepy dragon face out of polymer clay and baked it in the oven. 

Yay it looks even creepier when painted. The eyes are painted with black light reflective paint because of course they are ❤️๐Ÿ’š

After adding more bulk to the back and sides, I glued the pieces together with hot glue and used air dry clay to sort of blend everything together and add some more details. This morning when it was dry I painted it with the same watered down black paint (a trick I learned from a youtube crafter, watering down the base coat makes it flow into all the little spaces easier). I also carved a hole through the back and a tiny spot of the wall itself. This will make more sense once the pieces I ordered get here, but when it’s done you hopefully won’t even know there’s a hole there. 

Today I’ll be dry brushing the whole thing in gray to make it look like stone, and printing out some dragon launguage to add to the wall. 

Sora knows she has presents coning vis fedex today and she’s watching the window more than ever. She’s getting a fancy new litter box that’ll be easier for me to clean, as well as a really cool looking ball track since she loves her ball towers so mych. She’s so spoiled but she’s the best cat ❤️

I guess that’s all for now. We’ll see if I get around to making another post. If anyone is actually reading this, I hope you’re doing well ๐Ÿ’œ

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